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Facilitator Guide


  • Arrive 15 minutes prior to session;
  • Check microphones and AV equipment;
  • Assure that tables are appropriately set up and place cases, legal pads, pens and numbers on the tables;
  • While students are arriving introduce yourself and ask them to sit with people that they do not know (depending on the number of schools represented at the workshop);
  • Executive Committee table. Each group should select an executive member, for example CEO, COO, CNO, CIO, etc., that will represent them when their group is called to send a member to the mock executive committee table.

Introduction of Speakers (5 min.)

  • Have moderator introduce speakers if applicable with short bio: highlighting the leadership activities they have been involved with over the course of their career;
  • If you have a small group have participants introduce themselves to the presenters (e.g., year in school and why they chose pharmacy as a career).

Presentation (50-70 min.)

  • Determine who is in your audience which will help shape your presentation. Questions are at the beginning of the presentation to assist with this;
  • Set the stage for the breakout session;
  • It is important that you get through the slides quickly so that you have enough time for the breakout session.

Student Break (10-15 min., if needed)

Breakout Sessions

Purpose of the Breakout Sessions

The breakout session provides a learning environment which offers the opportunity to look at contemporary leadership topics more in depth. The session also gives the participants the chance to ask questions and discuss material from the presentation.

Organization of the Breakout Session

~ 45 minutes working on a case in small groups (4-8 people);
~ 45 minutes whereby selected groups will present their 5 minute sales pitch.

Assign each group a case to work on. Group formulation can be done before the session based on the number assigned to their table. If you have more than four groups, then multiple groups may work on the same case. It is better to have two groups of six working on the same case than assigning a group of twelve;

Each group should select:

  • a person to lead or facilitate discussion among the group (e.g; lead the group through answering the questions);
  • a person to record discussions/decisions made (they can write this onto the case handout or on the legal pad provided at each table);
  • a time keeper to keep the group on task;
  • one or two presenters if their group is selected;
  • an executive member (e.g; CEO, COO, CNO, CIO, etc.) that will represent them when their group is called to send a member to the mock executive committee table.

Let the groups know up front that their table may be called on to present their five minute sales pitch during the second half of the workshop.

The facilitators should roam the room during the group discussions, taking a hands off approach, only intervening as groups have questions or if they sense a group is heading off course. If a group finishes the case early, the facilitator can pose additional questions to the group for further discussion.

Let the groups know when there is 20-25 minutes remaining so that they can focus on the five minute sales pitch.

Group reports: you should have about 40-45 minutes for the groups to report their sales pitch to all participants. Each of the four groups presenting (one from each case) should have approximately 10 minutes, five minutes for the pitch, and five minutes for the executive committee questions.

The executive committee will give a thumb up or thumb down to the proposal. The thumb up is approved and the thumb down means that they would have to come back and present again a few months later (hypothetically speaking).

Suggested Process for the Allotted Time

  1. Opening Comments/Introduction – 5 min.
    1. Introductions of breakout session facilitators (orchestrated by the primary facilitator/ speaker) – Could be done prior by asking facilitators to send 2-3 sentences about background, etc.;
    2. Ask participants to introduce themselves to their group members;
    3. Explain the amount of time they will be spending on each component of the breakout session;
    4. Topic Introduction: Management and Leadership, Influencing Change, Mentoring Leaders, Career Advancement.
    5. Stress the importance that the questions a sked in the case have “No One Right Answer” rather the questions are designed to inspire thought and creativity.
  2. Ice Breaker – 5-10 min. (optional)
  3. Small Group Case Discussion – 30-50 min.
    1. A case study will be used as a springboard for group discussion;
    2. The facilitators will roam the room and can assist with group discussion as needed;
    3. Each group will be provided with a legal pad and pens to scribe and prepare their five minute sales pitch.
  4. Presentation of a 5-minute Sales Pitch30-50 min.
    1. Facilitator’s should assess group progress and ask for volunteers for presenting their pitch. As an alternative, you may consider selecting groups;
    2. The facilitator will call out table numbers to present and table numbers to send up their mock executive committee member;
    3. The facilitator should briefly prep the presenters and mock executive committee members. (State to the presenters if they are unable to answer an executive committee member questions they can always refer to a member from their group for assistance. For the mock executive committee they should all prepare one question to ask the presenters regarding their sales pitch);
    4. If needed, the facilitator can contribute to this discussion by asking questions to the large group based on responses from the presenters.
  5. Large Group Wrap Up – 5-10 min.
    1. Highlight the key lessons learned and themes from the presentation and breakout session;
    2. Discuss next steps for student/ new practitioner involvement in leadership activities;
    3. Participants can be given the self assessment questions to answer;
    4. If applicable the participants should also be encouraged to fill out the evaluation form to assist with program feedback.
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