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Devin Horinek

Devin Horinek


PGY1 Pharmacy Resident

Southwest Care Center

Albuquerque, NM

Devin Horinek is a PGY1 pharmacy resident at Southwest Care Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Devin received his PharmD from the University of New Mexico College of Pharmacy and currently serves on the NPF Practice Advancement and Advocacy Advisory Group. 

Professional Interests

My professional interests include ambulatory care. I am most passionate about psychiatric disorders. We need more providers in the mental health field. I have had many patients experience mental health disorders who were afraid to seek help. When they sought help, the providers were unavailable for months and patients had to continue to live their lives without treatment. I would love to make mental health care more accessible.

Why did you become involved in ASHP?

I've been inspired by faculty members at my college of pharmacy to continue to advocate for pharmacy practice.

What would you tell others if asked how to get involved with ASHP?

Keep an eye out for emails from ASHP regarding deadlines! Don't miss an opportunity because you missed a deadline. Reach out to people you know who are involved!

What unique characteristic/perspective do you bring to your everyday work or the pharmacy profession?

I take every day as a new opportunity to learn from my patients. They teach me as much as I teach them. I take a collaborative approach when caring for my patients and try to involve them in their healthcare as much as I can.

What do you like to do for fun? What are some of your interests/hobbies outside of pharmacy?

I love working out, cooking, eating, reading, playing basketball, traveling, and playing with my baby pug, Miso. A fun fact about me is that my grandmother is Gran Gran in the new Netflix live action series Avatar: The Last Airbender.

What advice would you give to other new practitioners?

Don't be afraid to ask for help. Know how to receive feedback, but also know how to provide feedback.