2021 Residency Match Day
Dear Colleagues,
The much-anticipated Match Day has arrived! On behalf of ASHP, congratulations to all who matched during Match Phase I of the 2021 ASHP Residency Matching Program!
This year has been extraordinary as we all faced the continued challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. For residency training programs, it required adapting in new and unique ways, including moving for the first time to virtual interviews as part of the application process. For learners, you may have experienced new adjustments in clinical learning environments. For all, it required new skills and being resilient to change. ASHP continues to be inspired by the creativity, adaptability, and dedication of our pharmacy students, current residents, and residency preceptors and directors during this challenging time as you work to ensure the highest quality patient care while supporting critical education for our future generations of pharmacists. You have all been true leaders and heroes, and we greatly appreciate your efforts.

Today, in celebration of Match Day, I want to take a moment to congratulate and applaud the incoming residents for your dedication and desire to take your clinical and leadership abilities to the next level.
This year’s Match Phase I results were once again very impressive. There were 5,121 positions matched, including 594 early commits from those accepting a postgraduate year 2 (PGY2) position at their current program, and 387 positions representing 309 programs that remain to be filled in Phase II of the Match.
Over the last five years, postgraduate year 1 (PGY1) residency positions have grown by 27% and PGY2 positions by 55%. The PGY2 programs in pain and palliative care residencies grew by 138%, emergency medicine residencies by 108%, and infectious diseases and ambulatory care residencies by 67%. There is also tremendous growth in pediatric residencies, which grew by 50%, and in internal medicine residencies, which increased by 46%. These numbers continue to remain strong as we seek to support training to fill medication expert roles on patient care teams while also continuing to close the gap between the number of residencies and residents.
For all those who did not match in the first round, please plan to participate in Phase II. ASHP has many resources that can help to support you, including Match Day Resources and Residency Guide: Preparation for Phase II of the Match created by members of the New Practitioner Forum. ASHP also just released a new three-part podcast series on our ASHP Official Podcast that takes a deeper dive into the Match process. The series includes Match and post-Match strategies and advice for all future pharmacists on how to approach Phase II and beyond. ASHP will also hold a virtual career fair on May 27 for unmatched candidates or graduates who choose to enter the workforce.
ASHP, under the visionary leadership of our recently deceased former CEO, Dr. Joseph A. Oddis, began accrediting pharmacy residency programs nearly 60 years ago to offer the highest-caliber training and advance patient care and pharmacy practice. Today, there are thousands of programs providing critical training to continue to improve patient care, advance pharmacy practice, and develop the future leaders of our profession.
Looking forward beyond the many changes brought on by the COVID-era, there are many reasons to be optimistic. As new PGY1 and PGY2 residents, you have immense opportunities ahead that will prepare you to practice at the highest levels as the medication-use experts on interprofessional teams and in supporting patients across the healthcare continuum.
ASHP is committed to supporting the pharmacy profession at every stage of your career and has many resources available for residents. We encourage you to use the Career Transitions Resource Center and the ASHP Foundation’s Essentials of Practice-Based Research for Pharmacists. Please plan to continue to read and contribute to AJHP Residents Edition, a unique and exceptional peer-reviewed platform dedicated to pharmacy residents. We invite you to also stay involved in the ASHP New Practitioners Forum, which provides a number of resources, including career guidance, clinician well-being and resilience resources, as well as a multitude of opportunities for volunteer leadership. Please also mark your calendar now and take advantage of all that we offer as part of ASHP’s Midyear Clinical Meeting & Exhibition to be held Dec. 5-9.
Again, congratulations to all of you. We wish you the very best throughout your residency training and throughout your professional journey!
Posted on March 19, 2021