Match Day 2023
Dear Colleagues,
Match Day is here! On behalf of ASHP, I offer my sincerest congratulations to all who matched during Phase I of the 2023 ASHP Residency Matching Program! This achievement is a significant milestone for the newly matched residents as they begin their entry into practice or pursue specialization.
The residency experience brings accelerated personal and professional growth. Residents find newfound meaning and purpose as they contribute to the profession. With their enthusiasm for patient care, learning, and leadership, residents are positioned for a bright and promising future in pharmacy practice.
I'm pleased to report that 4,890 positions were matched this year during Phase I, including 601 early commits from match participants who will begin a postgraduate year 2 (PGY2) position at their current program. As residents look forward to the next stage of their education, this is a time to celebrate!
Residency training is vital to developing competency and proficiency in the skills and abilities that drive safe and effective comprehensive medication management and better outcomes for our patients. This year, Match Phase I featured 5,832 residency positions, including early commits — a 12% increase over the past five years. This growth signals further recognition of the importance of residency training as more and more pharmacists are making drug therapy decisions on patient care teams in hospitals, clinics, and throughout the community.
ASHP's recent revision of our pharmacy residency accreditation standards ensures that residency programs align with contemporary practice and that residents are trained to meet patient and community needs in an evolving healthcare landscape. These changes foster a residency curriculum and clinical learning environment focused on the development of competencies that improve patient health, patient care, and the patient and provider experience of care. The revision, which goes into effect in July, reflects the harmonization of four previous standards into a single standard. The harmonized standard also emphasizes leadership that promotes well-being and resiliency, and diversity and inclusion. I encourage you to review ASHP's Well-Being Resource Guide and the Diversity Resource Guide, which were developed to support the new standard. A new podcast from ASHP highlights the accreditation changes for residency program directors.
Looking ahead, 942 positions representing 724 programs remain to be filled in Phase II of the Match. Candidates who did not match in Phase I are encouraged to participate in Phase II. ASHP's tools to support Phase II Match participants include Match Day Resources and the New Practitioner Forum's Residency Guide: Preparation for Phase II of the Match. Tomorrow's virtual roundtable is also an excellent opportunity for candidates to get tips from new practitioners about navigating Phase II and the scramble.
Residency is an exciting step in a pharmacist's professional journey, and ASHP is committed to helping residents succeed. I encourage new residents to visit ASHP's Career Transitions Resource Center and our Research Resource Center. Be sure to read and contribute to AJHP Residents Edition, a respected peer-reviewed platform dedicated to pharmacy residents. Finally, stay connected and network with your peers in the ASHP New Practitioners Forum. The forum's many resources support career growth and well-being and resilience and also provide opportunities for volunteer leadership. Remember to also mark your calendar now for ASHP's Midyear Clinical Meeting & Exhibition on Dec. 3–7 in Anaheim, and get ready to network and engage with residents, residency preceptors, and residency directors at the world's largest annual gathering of pharmacists.
Once again, congratulations to all! ASHP wishes you the best throughout your residency training and professional journey.
Posted on March 15, 2023