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Sherwyn S. Tenia

Sherwyn S. Tenia, PharmD, MBA, BCPS, PMP ([email protected]), recently completed his pharmacy informatics residency at Mayo Clinic. Tenia earned his PharmD from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2019. He also obtained his MBA in Healthcare Management from Western Governors University while completing a two-year Health System Pharmacy Administration Leadership (HSPAL) residency at Vanderbilt University Medication Center in 2021. His pharmacy career includes serving as Manager of Sterile Products and Perioperative Services at UNC Health Rex after his HSPAL residency and working as a pharmacy technician for twelve years prior to pharmacy school.

Tenia is currently serving as a workgroup lead in the Section of Pharmacy Informatics and Technology (SOPIT) Advisory Group (SAG) on Operations and Automation. He previously served as vice chair of the Section’s Educational Steering Committee and worked within the SAG on Professional Development. His other ASHP involvement includes serving as a mentor in the ASHP Guided Mentorship Program and as a member of the Section of Pharmacy Practice Leaders SAG on New and Emerging Leaders.

What does the professional identity of pharmacy informatics look like? How do we describe our work to our non-informatics colleagues and pharmacy students? Pharmacy informatics involves the support of all aspects of the medication use process, so it is understandable that we may each have a slightly different view. However, we should all have aspects of our description that convey a shared sense of identity for what we do. The role members of the pharmacy informatics community play continue to grow from year to year as we leverage more advance technologies within healthcare. As members of that community, we need to shape our professional identity to ensure solid understanding by those we support.

I am honored to be nominated for this opportunity to serve as a director-at-large of the Section. If elected, I hope to build on the incredible work of previous members of the Section Executive Committee. I look forward to the Section continuing to be a place to share ideas, advocate for our roles and come together as a community. A place to inspire newer members as they work alongside those who have been shaping pharmacy informatics throughout the years.