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Compounded Sterile Preparations Board Recertification Activities

For pharmacists seeking to maintain BCSCP status.

Compounded Sterile Preparation Specialty Recertification Course Package (ONLINE)

The course is designed based on the content outline developed by the Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) to provide an overview of recent standards and guidelines that specialists should be familiar with in practice. The course uses a case-based approach to discuss patient care issues.


Compounded Sterile Preparation Specialty Intensive Studies Package (LIVE & ONLINE)

Intensive Studies offer recertification credit through a high-level, interactive discussions on contemporary and emerging issues in compounding sterile preparations.

Live: BCSCP Intensive Studies at the 2024 Midyear Clinical Meeting


Online: 2023 online Intensive Studies package offers up to 6 contact hours of recertification credit. This package expires in August 20, 2024.


Topics covered:

  • Challenges Across the Parenteral Nutrition Continuum: Transcription, Compounding, Dispensing, Administration

  • Challenges Across the Parenteral Nutrition Continuum: Clinical Assessment, Intervention, and Monitoring

  • Monthly Surface Sampling in the Cleanroom: Developing a Viable Plan

  • Cleanroom Excursions: Don't Let Issues Compound

BCSCP Specialty Selected Readings

Relevant, contemporary readings in the field of sterile compounding. Learners will answer recertification assessment questions in order to earn BCSCP credit.


Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) guidelines for recertification by education.


ASHP is approved by BPS as a provider for the recertification of BCSCP.